
從德里回新加坡的班機上,想要找點音樂聽著入睡。在娛樂系統看見Whitney Houston的精選輯,點了Run to you,然後拉好毯子,閉上雙眼。

幾年前剪過the bodyguard的預告。片中接到要保護超級巨星Whitney Houston任務的保鏢Kevin Costner,深夜坐在不開燈的客廳,看著Whitney Houston的音樂錄影帶。畫面上身穿白色衣裳的Whitney Houston踩在雲上,深情的唱I wanna run to you, won’t you hold me in your arms, and keep me safe from harm…,長髮飄散在空中,好像天使一般。像是被甚麼擊中心臟,Kevin Costner從沙發上坐起,專著的看著電視。我也從剪輯室的椅子坐起身,專著的看著電腦熒幕,雖然最終,並沒有把這一幕剪進預告當中,卻一直記得這一幕。

由Jud Friedman及 Allan Rich譜寫的run to you是為the bodyguard量身訂造的歌曲,在電影拍攝初期,製作團隊將之構想為一首有關分手的歌曲。個把月後,the bodyguard的導演Mick Jackson捎來電話,說他實在太喜歡這首歌了,要他們把這首歌保留標題但改寫成情歌。Run to you隨著the bodyguard的上映而成為Whitney Houston另一隻暢銷金曲,也和I have nothing一起入圍了1992年奧斯卡最佳電影原創歌曲,但最終輸給Aladdin的A Whole New World。Christina Aguilera在2001年第一屆BET Awards(表彰为传播发扬黑人文化而作出突出贡献的音乐人、电影人、运动员等文体业者的頒獎典禮)現場演唱Run to you,獻給Whitney Houston。

Run to you的歌詞並沒有特定指明那個你是誰,在我的解讀,這只是一個寂寞女子的心聲,在脆弱時候渴望依賴渴望被呵護。亦舒小說常出現類似的畫面,事業獨立、堅強灑脫的女子,在完成忙碌的日程回家,對燈獨飲,放一張唱片看一本書,靜靜的入睡,即使有些甚麼情緒靜靜的心頭煎熬。



Shrek 4rever after裡Fiona等待不到王子之後心死決定自救,丟下手帕爬出高塔成為革命派英雄。不要讓愛情成為自己的信仰,不想讓想像成為自己的主宰,不能讓寂寞成為自己的借口。你可以說我膽小或者消極,而我只是想靜靜的聽完一首歌,然後靜靜的讓甚麼在心頭翻湧,靜靜讓甚麼流過臉龐,明日醒來,靜靜忘掉。



I know that when you look at me
There's so much that you just don't see
But if you would only take the time
I know in my heart you'd find
A girl who's scared sometimes
Who isn't always strong
Can't you see the hurt in me?
I feel so all alone

I wanna run to you (oooh)
I wanna run to you (oooh)
Won't you hold me in your arms
And keep me safe from harm
I wanna run to you (oooh)
But if I come to you (oooh)
Tell me, will you stay or will you run away

Each day, each day I play the role
Of someone always in control
But at night I come home and turn the key
There's nobody there, no one cares for me
What's the sense of trying hard to find your dreams
Without someone to share it with
Tell me what does it mean?


I need you here
I need you here to wipe away my tears
To kiss away my fears
If you only knew how much...



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