
回鄉週末連日豪雨,咖啡店播放Ella Fitzgerald特別應景。她先纏纏綿綿的唱了My Romance,接著播放的是Little Girl Blue,都出自1935年百老匯音樂劇Jumbo,另外一首知名歌曲是“The Most Beautiful Girl in the World.

Jumbo的故事非常簡單︰兩個敵對的馬戲團主人,雙方子女相愛的故事。這在當時堪稱大製作的百老匯音樂劇,共演出253場,雖然最終以賠錢收場,卻在奠定了Billy Rose製作人地位的同時,也打響了作曲人Richard Rodgers、作詞人Lorenz Hart在音樂界的名號。My Romance、Little Girl Blue、The Most Beautiful Girl in the World這三首歌曲在1935年時,都由Jumbo女主角Gloria Grafton演唱。網路上有關這位歌影雙棲的優秀藝人介紹不多,她比較廣為人知的作品之一,是於1943年的電影best Foot Forward中,替Lucille Ball幕後代唱You’re lucky。

由於Jumbo的製作人Billy Rose堅持劇中歌曲不能在表演廳以外的地方播放,嚴重延緩了這幾首動人歌曲的流傳度。首位把Little Girl Blue帶上排行榜的歌手是Margaret Whiting,她其實在音樂劇演出後不久完成了錄音,但基於上述原因,她所錄制的版本直到1947年才被播放,上了排行榜第25名,一星期後就匆匆忙忙的被停播。之後幾年,Ella Fitzgerald、The Buddy DeFranco Quintet、Hank Mobley、Lyle Ritz、Judy Garland 等所灌錄的Little Girl Blue,都因同原因遭到冷待。一直要到1958年,Nina Simone發行了以Little Girl Blue為主打的同名專輯,這首歌才重新受到矚目。

灌錄過這首經典爵士名曲的歌手極多,除了上述歌手,一字排開還有Louis Armstrong、Frank Sinatra、Chet Baker、The Carpenters、Coleman Hawkins、Sarah Vaughan、 Diana Ross、Oscar Peterson、 Janis Joplin、Carly Simon、Sheena Easton、Stacey Kent、Diana Krall等。1962年,MGM把Jumbo改編成電影,由Doris Day主演,片中當然少不了這首歌。

這首歌的歌名雖然命名為little girl blue,而全曲充滿濃濃懷舊氣息,歌中主人翁已是成年女子,戲稱自己為old girl﹐百感交集的唱no use, old girl. You may as well surrender, Your hope is getting slender.小時候雨天靠窗,望著雨滴發呆上一整天,被嘲諷為賦新詞強說愁的時光早已不復。在都會叢林打拼的現代女子,大抵只有能憂鬱上一場雨一首歌的奢侈,雨停之後得繼續專著案頭工作家中雜物賬單地獄。

即使即使。感嘆如When I was very young, The world was younger than I/  As merry as a carousel/ The circus tent was strung with every star in the sky/ Above the ring I love so well依然迴蕩心頭。也只能如歌曲裡那般直截了當的唱︰(Sit there and count your fingers) what can you do.

Little Girl Blue
written by Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart

Sit there and count your fingers
What can you do
Old girl you're through
Just sit there and count your little fingers
Unlucky little girl blue.

Just sit there and count the raindrops
Falling on you
It's time you knew
All you can count on
Are the raindrops
That fall on little girl blue

No use old girl
You may as well surrender
Your hopes are getting slender
Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue

No use old girl
You may as well surrender
Your hopes are getting slender
Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy
To cheer up little girl blue


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