karen及richard carpenters有次在現場節目Robert Young with the Young上,說了sometimes的真事故事。譜出moon river等動人歌曲的美國知名作曲家Henry Mancini的女兒Felice Mancini,想要獻給家人一份特別的耶誕禮物。她在街上繞了一圈,最後寫下了這首小詩,簡單深刻的表達出對家人的愛及感恩。karen及richard聽到後感動不已,隨即錄音發行,並且在很多場合都特別演唱這首非主打。
Sometimes not often enough
We reflect upon the good things
And those thoughs always center around those we love
And I think about those people who mean so much to me
And for so many years have made me so very happy
And I count the times I have forgotten to say thank you
And just how much I love them