
有個深夜,在曼谷的飯店醒來,未關的電視播著emmy the great的gabriel。



出生於香港後移居倫敦,原名Emma-Lee Moss的emmy的聲音其實算不上可愛清新或高亢,但有一種很少見的爽朗;跟她的長相一樣,算不上美麗青春,但有一種很吸引人的自然,聽她唱歌,看她彈吉他,就好像在草原上看一朵不知名的野花綻放,流露耳目一新的芬芳,灌溉了一天的好心情。她的歌曲也和她所散發出來的氣質一樣,大肆唱著一些無關緊要的小事情,對世界說即使別人覺得微不足道的想法。例如講述差點被男朋友搞大肚子的歌曲「We Almost Had A Baby」中那麼唱:"I’m not the girl that you remember from the start, i was only a baby, now i am what you made me";抱怨壞男人太多只好隨便嫁的「24」:"I would love you if you told me there was something there to love, i would marry you for money, I would marry you for money or for luck";寫完就剛好和男友分手的「first love」:"You were stroking me like a pet, but you didn't own me yet, and the tape in the cassette deck was choking, Spat out a broken hallelujah...The original Leonard Cohen version";唱分手之後痛到要命男友卻跑去消遙快活的「Canopies and Grapes」:"I feel worse than when S Club 7 broke up....Then I'll call your house at twelve to let you know that I'm drunk, Say I'm sorry Mr C, I was just looking for your son. How are you, incidentally, do you know if he's out alone?";還有暗戀心聲的「Gabriel」:"oh Gabriel I wish that I could pick you up and fold you like a ribbon, I’d hold you always and in secret in the pockets of my clothes…"


對啊這樣就好了。我也好想好想這樣啊,但也許又如「24」裡那麼唱:"first we were born then we ran slowly out of luck, you are still not Charles Bukowski and I am not Diane Cluck…" 。雖然emmy說當初那樣寫,是為了表現出兩個人在關係中多麼懶散,才會導致關係沒有好下場。但之於我的感想及經歷,很多看來可以信手拈來的東西,其實都在世界上最遙遠的距離以外,例如「被我喜歡的人喜歡」這種事,呵。


I know my fate i do not mean to fight.



Emmy the Great - Gabriel

Emmy the Great - My Party Is Better Than Yours

I'm having a party but you're not invited
Pizza and fizzy-pop it's all so exciting
Sardines and musical chairs
What a shame that you're not here
But you're not my friend anymore
You've made your position quite clear from your
What crime have I done that negates my existence?
Me and all of my other chums
Will sit and talk till the evening comes
Cos you're not our friend anymore
We'll have fezzek
And everyone leaves with a present
Kisses and hugs it's so pleasant
Peaceful, and I
I hate you, I hope that you die
I'm having a party and I hope that you know this
Spend Friday alone and pretend not to notice
All of the stupid things you've done
I know and I'm telling everyone
Cos you're not my best friend anymore
And tomorrow I will find a new friend
From the new friend shop
And my friend you are not
And I hate you as much as I miss you


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