Umbrella (aka umbrella-ella-ella)由來自加勒比海小岛Barbados的流行節奏藍調歌手Rihanna唱得街知巷闻。除了橫掃加拿大、德國、澳洲、打過、愛爾蘭、瑞典、瑞士、英國、美國等地的排行榜前十名,也因為眾多歌手的翻唱,而成為流行文化中,等同時代精神(zeitgeist)的流行指標。
2007年1月,知名音樂製作人Christopher "Tricky" Stewart以及 "The-Dream" Nash以及Kuk Harrell,在亞特蘭大的錄音室為新歌曲素材進行腦力激蕩。Stewart窮極無聊之下開始玩起鼓的踏鈸組(Hi-hat),Nash問他在搞甚麼鬼節奏,Stewart隨即加入和弦,Nash忽然福至心靈,跑到麥克風前面開始唱歌。他們在60秒裡就完成了寫完了第一段歌詞,並且繼續創作,間中由Stewart為歌曲加入流行元素(Hook)。一個小時左右,就完成了這首歌的demo。
最初這首歌是為Britney spears而打造,Stewart曾於2003年與她合作過Me Against the Music。Stewart覺得Britney spears的私人生活有點太失控了,需要一首好歌為她力挽狂瀾。當時Britney spears正在籌備她的第五張專輯blackout,Stewart於是送了一張demo給她的製作群。但Britney spears根本沒有機會聽到這首歌,她的製作群直接以Britney spears歌單已經more than enough而拒絕了。後來當Umbrella紅遍全球,她的製作群應該後悔到捶心肝吧。
除了被Britney spears拒絕之後,Stewart再陸續把demo送給英國痞子歌手Taio Cruz。後來間接透過The Island Def Jam品牌主席Antonio "L.A." Reid的左右手Karen Kwak交給Rihanna。當時Rihanna正為她的的第三張專輯Good Girl Gone Bad收歌,她第一次聽到這首歌的感覺非常複雜﹔很有趣、嗯,很奇怪,但是,越聽越讚。她反復的聽了之後,對自己說︰我一定要錄這首歌,我明天就要錄。
但Stewart並沒有馬上讓Rihanna得償所願。Stewart和Nash當時心中的第一人選其實是入圍該屆葛萊美獎的Mary J. Blige。但Mary J. Blige全神貫注在葛萊美獎上,根本沒心思把整首歌聽完。眼看Rihanna的新專輯即將在幾個月之內發行,Antonio "L.A." Reid決定介入,開出讓Stewart和Nash無法拒絕的條件,也從此確認了雙方的長期合作關係。
不過在Rihanna進行錄音時,Stewart還是不甘不願的。他始終覺得Rihanna並非這首歌的最佳演繹者。當Rihanna唱到ella-ella的部份,他感覺到Rihanna的聲音中有一些元素,把這首歌帶到了另一個境界。另一項最讓Stewart感到大惑不解的是,Jay-Z在歌曲前面加入饒舌,但他也只能說服自己這是made sense的而接受。
不管如何,umbrella在發行之後,得到許多正面評價,許多樂評都說這是Rihanna出道以來最好的歌曲。Umbrella也為Rihanna帶來了無數的入圍以及獎項,例如2008年,入圍最佳年度歌曲以及最佳年度唱片,以及和Jay-z共同榮獲最佳说唱歌曲合作(Best Rap/Sung Collaboration)。除此之外,Umbrella被音樂雜誌Rolling Stone以及時代雜誌評選為2007年百大歌曲第三名,被Entertainment Weekly評選為2007年十大單曲等等,榮譽榜族繁不及備戰。這首歌也把Shakira以及Wyclef Jean合作的Hips Don't Lie拉下榜,刷新itunes六年來的單曲發行記錄,如今還穩坐冠軍寶座。
翻唱這首歌的拈指數來有Manic Street Preachers, JLS, Bare EgilTerra Naomi, Jamie Cullum, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, The Mint Chicks, McFly, Lillasyster, Plain White T's, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, OneRepublic, Sara Bareilles, Cláudia Leitte, My Chemical Romance, Tegan and Sara, Amanda Palmer, Syesha Mercado, Natalie Gauci, The Veer Union, illScarlett, All Time Low, Taylor Swift, Bentley Jones, The Baseballs等。灵魂R&B女伶Indie Arie也曾在演唱會上表演過這首歌,說她愛死這首歌了,多希望這首歌是自己寫的。
Rihanna原版以外最獲人稱譽的版本,必屬Mandy Moore為Yahoo! Pepsi Smash演唱的umbrella。她以慢版ballad的方式呈現,簡單而直接的編曲,深情唱出等候的心聲,歌聲中傳遞出的憂傷及孤寂真如在傾盆大雨無助而堅定的低語。這讓我想到Frente!將new order的搖滾歌曲bizarre love triangle改編成吉它的acoustic版,有著異曲同工的巧妙,都是比原版還像原版的翻唱。
Mandy moore在我心中還是那個甜美唱著I wanna be with you的可愛女孩呵。那是Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson以及Mandy moore各據天下的時代。那一年她16歲,我18歲,I wanna be with you那一張唱片隨我漂洋過海出國唸書,在遷徙間輾轉遺失。十年後這首沒有正式發行的umbrella,被我放進night club 2 step音樂選集裡頭成為舞單其中一曲。
You have my heart
And we'll never be worlds apart
Maybe in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
That's when you need me there
With you I'll always share
When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Told you we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella eh eh)
These fancy things,
Will never come in between
You're my entity
Here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard
Together we'll mend your heart
When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Told you we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
You can run into my Arms
That's okay don't be alarmed
(Come into Me)
(There's no distance in between our love)
Gonna let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more ooohh
When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath
I'mma stick it out 'till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Told you we still have each other
You can stand under my Umbrella
You can stand under my Umbrella